Improving the Quality of Life of an Entire Town Through Fitness


Annual membership is affordable and available to anyone who supports of vision. Membership form is available here (link coming).

Panther Challenges

Members are challenged to meet levels of annual participation to receive Gold, Silver, Bronze or Panther level. The challenge year will begin in January and end in December. Members will receive recognition at our annual banquet.

Gold Panther Level

  • Participate or Volunteer in 3 Fitness Events
  • Participate or Volunteer with 2 Sports Club or Organization
  • Be a member in good standing

Silver Panther Level

  • Participate or Volunteer in 2 Fitness Events
  • Participate or Volunteer with 1 Sports Club or Organization
  • Be a member in good standing

Bronze Panther Level

  • Participate or Volunteer in 1 Fitness Events or 1 Sports Club or Organization
  • Be a member in good standing

Panther Level

  • Be a member in good standing

2011 Members