Improving the Quality of Life of an Entire Town Through Fitness

2011 Goals

Fitness Committee Organized

Our first goal is to bring the community together under our core vision. We are seeking representation from fitness organizations, clubs and the business community. This committee will steer our vision for GetFIT Griffith and represent sectors of the community. We believe this vision is shared by the Imagine Griffith initiative. We will work with the Griffith Special Events Committee, The Redevelopment Committee and Town Government.

If you would like to participate, please contact Dan Perez at

2012 Goals

Launch Campaigns

Our next goal is to engage the Griffith community under the banner of GetFIT Griffith and challenge them to participate in their own fitness and take an interest in that of their fellow Griffith neighbor. We encourage the community to support all sports clubs and programs including fitness friendly businesses. We will promote and assist our partners and challenge our community.

We will actively promote the vision of GetFIT Griffith to the community.

Support Fitness Organizations

Part of our effort wil be to provide support to non-profit fitness clubs and organizations. Our members provide financial and volunteer support to help these organizations meet their goals. We believe that these groups already contribute to our vision and want to help them reach their maximum potential and long-term viability.

Host New Fitness Events

It is in this year that we plan to host our first fitness events.